How Accident Reconstruction Strengthens a Product Liability Case

Establishing clear and compelling evidence in product liability is crucial to proving your case. Whether representing the plaintiff or the defendant, having the right expert witnesses and technical data can make all the difference in securing a favorable outcome.

Accident reconstruction is one of an attorney’s most valuable tools in a product liability case. This process involves analyzing the details of an incident to understand the cause and sequence of events, and it can provide critical insights into how a defective product may have contributed to an injury or loss.

Providing Objective, Data-Driven Evidence

ATA’s accident reconstruction experts use a combination of scientific analysis, engineering principles, and physical evidence to recreate the events leading up to an accident. This process helps provide an objective and data-driven analysis of what happened, which can be vital in product liability cases where the cause of the injury is in dispute.

For instance, in a case involving an allegedly defective automatic inflatable life jacket, our engineers studied the deployment mechanisms and compared it to industry standards for response time and performance.

The analysis determined the single-use CO2 cartridge used for automatic inflation had previously been used and never replaced; all other components functioned correctly. Thorough testing demonstrated the life jacket could deploy properly with a new CO2 cartridge, thus the life jacket was not defective, and therefore not the cause of the injury.

This detailed, methodical analysis can present irrefutable facts, which are often more persuasive than testimony alone. By backing up your claims with credible scientific evidence, our accident reconstruction experts can create a strong narrative highlighting the role a product did or did not play in an accident.

A major challenge in product liability cases is establishing the causal link between the product defect and the injury. A product may have a defect and a person may have been injured while using the product, but it doesn’t mean the defect caused the injury. In many instances, other factors such as human factors, incorrect installation, or operator error might be at play, further complicating the case.

In instances like the recent bookcase recalls, where design or manufacturing defects may lead to safety hazards, we can trace the actions and failures that might contribute to an incident. Whether it’s a product failure or improper use, we can provide a clear, scientifically backed narrative to identify cause-and-effect relationships. This is essential in determining liability and supporting legal strategies.

Accident reconstruction is critical in product liability cases. Our team can provide clarity and expert analysis to reinforce claims. Whether you are litigating a case involving a defective vehicle part, faulty machinery, or unsafe consumer products, ATA Associates can provide the evidence needed to establish causation, demonstrate the failure of a product, and ultimately strengthen your case.

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New 1-Hr CLE Course

Course Title: Introduction to Accident Reconstruction Enhance your expertise with ATA Associates’ 1-hour CLE course, Introduction to Accident Reconstruction. Available in-person or virtually, this course

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